The finest menus for cats
made from 100% human-grade quality ingredients
In the wild, cats hunt and immediately consume their prey. Every hunt ends with is a freshly caught meal. This is how cats instinctively provide themselves with a balanced diet and the freshest nutrients. Terra Felis builds on this concept of natural quality. Our menus only contain safe ingredients. This makes Terra Felis the 1st cat food with 100% human-grade quality ingredients and sets it apart from all other products on the market. This quality is reflected in the delicious odour and great acceptance.

Cats love freedom and nature. Their world is a paradise full of opportunities to roam and follow their instincts. In the wild, cats hunt their prey and find species-appropriate, healthy and tasty treats. At home, they should be offered this paradise in their bowl. Terra Felis menus are based on this natural nutritional concept: fresh, human-grade quality ingredients, species-appropriate recipes with a high meat content to imitate natural prey and offer cats a healthy, carnivorous diet modelled on nature. Find out more...
What greater gift
than the love of a cat?
(Charles Dickens)
Usefull information
What makes Terra Felis so unique...
There are two essential factors in a healthy and species-appropriate cat diet: high-quality ingredients and the right composition. Both should mimic the cat's natural prey and evolutionary diet. Terra Felis is the first cat food on the market with 100% human-grade quality ingredients. The high quality of its ingredients makes the menus smell appetising and delicious. Our Terra Felis menus are developed together with veterinarians and made in our own production facility in Bavaria under strict quality controls. They consist of 90% meat, high-quality offal or fish fillets and contain taurine as well as all the fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are important for cats. Find out more about food quality and species-appropriate cat nutrition...

Terra Felis cat food- unique in it´s quality and philosophy.
Terra Felis is the first cat food brand on the market to be made from 100% human-grade quality ingredients. This exceptional quality makes Terra Felis the first choice for species-appropriate cat food. By mimicking the natural prey that cats would hunt in the wild, Terra Felis offers a unique, meat-rich menu that meets cats’ evolutionary needs. The freshness and high quality of the ingredients can be recognised as soon as the tin is opened, and the delicious aroma underlines the premium claim.
Terra Felis is available in 80 g single portions and 200 g tins and offers a selection of ten menus for adult cats. You can discover and order these in our online shop to see the exceptional quality for yourself.
As cats are naturally neophobic (fearful of new and unfamiliar things), the transition to Terra Felis should be gradual. Our vet Hanna Stephan gives tips here to make this process easier and ensure that your cat gets used to the new food over time and integrates it smoothly into its eating habits.
Terra Felis is available in 80 g single portions and 200 g tins and offers a selection of ten menus for adult cats. You can discover and order these in our online shop to see the exceptional quality for yourself.
As cats are naturally neophobic (fearful of new and unfamiliar things), the transition to Terra Felis should be gradual. Our vet Hanna Stephan gives tips here to make this process easier and ensure that your cat gets used to the new food over time and integrates it smoothly into its eating habits.