
Dear Terra Canis Team,

I would just like to thank you for all your amazing work for the benefit of dogs.

Since I have been giving my Bolonka your food, I have had the feeling that he is in safe hands thanks to all your hard work in ensuring balanced and appropriate diets.
Whilst he isn’t a fan of horsemeat and ostrich (after all, tastes vary), he tucks into everything else heartily and wags his tail in delight whenever I fill up his bowl.

He loves the Lumpis too. Sometimes, he has bouts of ‘selective hearing’ and doesn’t respond to my calls when he’s playing with other dogs. But thanks to Lumpis, I can not only entice him back every time, but he comes bounding into my arms.
Thank you again for working so hard to give dogs an appropriate, balanced and varied diet.

Best wishes from an ever-loyal customer.


PS: I love the idea of the goodies!
PPS: Why not introduce a guestbook on your website to give even more customers the chance to praise you for your efforts? That way, even the doubters could read about all your good work on behalf of man’s best friend.