Kasia Domachowska
This is Roxi, she is 11 years old westie from Poland...
Roxi is very active and eager to play dog. In 2009 she was diagnosed with tracheal collapse and a heart problem and since then she is under cardiologist care...
She is taking medicines every day... Two years ago her heart was in a very bad condition and the vet told me that have to be prepared for the worst...
Roxi has been fed with Terra Cannis for six years now, mainly we use sensitive menu, but sometimes I also feed her with classic or senior version... She has never had any problems with your food, any intolerances and food allergies... On the contrary, she is in a very good condition taking into consideration her health problems... Her annual blood tests are excellent and her heart improved after I started to add your herbs for heart to her food...This year x-ray show a huge improvement of heart condition. As she is getting older we are also using your paste for joints... so far so good... Her coat is shining and in a good condition too
Thank you Terra Canis for providing such excellent food for our dogs