Beef by TERRA FELIS! We can't live without it these days.
Our cat Slumpy can hear already from any of his spots when one of those 80g cans gets taken out of the cupboard. It’s so YUMMY! He is meowing like crazy till we put the plate down and he can finally start enjoying this delicious menu. and We appreciate a lot that it smells even good for us - so no unpleasant feedings anymore just because of a smell. Furthermore we had to switch his diet from dry food to wet food as he was suffering severly from urinary stones due to the lack of liquid. unfortunaely he would not eat any urinary diet! So we gave Terra Felis a chance as it has a very sauce. And since then he loves it and hasn't had any medical issues anymore.
You are a very lucky cat owner once you found the perfect menu and brand plus of amazing quality too :) Thank you Terra Felis!