
Dear Terra Canis team,

After our last parcel had been lost by DHL, your customer service did an excellent job and sent us a replacement within 2 days. The bottom line: an entirely happy puppy at home. And of course, Gino had to help unpack the parcel. See picture.

What has to be mentioned as well is the fact that due to the food recommended by our vet (RC), Gino broke out in a bad rash and had eczemas on his belly. The combination with antibiotics (respiratory tract infection during one of his first walks) worsened all that. When we collected information on “special food”, we were quite astonished. The decision was clear: moving away from Royal Canin and our vet. Towards Terra Canis and a new vet who does NOT want to sell sponsored food. To cut a long story short: a happy puppy, which always jumps for joy at mealtime. That’s so nice to see.

And happy dog parents at that. But the most important thing is that Gino’s belly is almost healed and his coat is shiny. This makes it easy to remain faithful to your brand. And Terra Canis grain-free is, in my opinion, the best alternative to raw feeding. This was a short report from an entirely happy, 4.5-month-old French bulldog puppy and its (– admittedly – much older) mummy.