Jana, Gimmy & Lilly

Dear Terra Canis team,

I’d like to tell you about my experience with the great herbal heroes.

For Gimmy, our small Italian senior dog, I always have a bag of “Feeling Comfy” at home. Gimmy often suffers from an overproduction of gastric acid. At first, I mixed one spoon of the herbs in his food every day. Later, he got them as a cure or as a preventive. Since then, he has definitely been better. I would even say that he hasn’t had to face this problem any more.It only occurs when he’s not fed the herbal heroes. I’m totally satisfied and happy.

Our little Cyprian Lilly is fed the herbal hero “Bodyguard” currently. She’s been living with us for one year and was in a bad condition. She caught a cold again and again. Therefore, I started to feed her the herbal heroes “Bodyguard”. She eats them every day. She hasn’t caught a cold since then. In general, I think that the herbs do her very good.

In conclusion, we are absolutely satisfied and will surely test the other herbs when necessary.

With best regards,

Jana with Gimmy & Lilly